About Me

Hey y'all! 

My name is Brandy, and yes-Trulove really is my last name.  I'm a stay at home wife, and hopefully soon a mommy.  I teeter between going back to college and having a career and staying home and home-schooling the kids that we don't currently have (as silly as that sounds). Actually, I never really wanted children...probably because there wasn't anyone worthy of combining my DNA with.  But then I met Matt: my knight in shining armor! I knew almost instantly that we'd be together and have lots of gorgeous babies-not the baseball team that my father-in-law wants, but still.

Together, we've had a rather rough few years.  I lost my dad mere months after Matt and I started dating (and my dad approved IMMENSLY--must have had something to do with his knowledge of automobiles).  He stood by my side as I watched my grandma *a true best friend and inspiration* battle cancer five different times over five years.  He buckled into my emotional roller coaster; we survived loss, strife, and arguments...

Sometimes I feel like I've been dealt a considerably messy hand.  I feel jealous, I feel insecure, and I make a bigger deal of things than necessary.  Then I feel ridiculous and pray...then I do it all over again!  I try to appreciate the good things in life.  I mean, let's face it: things could be a lot worse.  But alas!...I am human!

Life hasn't been milk and honey, but I'm starting to realize that it hasn't been hell either.  We've struggled, but we've prospered.  I could wallow in self pity, but I choose to take my hand and find a Royal Flush...to get my Nil, beat the 10th Phase, umm, I need another card reference here!

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