Thursday, May 8, 2014


Can I just say...that insomnia is a bitch! Ugh! The "symptom" I seem to be having the hardest time with right now is the inability to sleep.

I mean, sure I get (at least) the recommended eight hours of sleep, but when you're going to bed when your husband is waking up to go to work, that eight hours takes up the entire day. Plus, by the time I wake up, I have no motivation to get up and do anything so there are no productive happenings going on in the Trulove household. My poor DH is lucky to have a home cooked meal after working hard all day long. I'm not giving SAHWs a good name, am I?

The only things that remotely help are sleeping pills and melatonin supplements, which by the way are not my thing. Melatonin makes me feel drunk,  and who wants to need a pill to sleep? It's one of the most basic things that, like most others, my body just won't permit.

Sleep deprevation would be worth it if i had an adorable little bundle to wake me up every two hours...

Anyone else suffering from sleep deprivation?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Funday

The Hubster and I took the furbaby to the "Bark Park" for the first time today! We've lived here a little over a year now and haven't seen much more than our apartment walls and the highway...I think it's time we start exploring. Technically, we've only been in our apartment for 3 months, and most of that has been unpacking, but we haven't made time to learn more about our new town. Matt grew up coming here but I had never even heard of Holden Beach until we met. He knows of the best touristy spots but now we are locals and I think it's time we started acting like it!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

The DH and I spent last night reminiscing on this time two years ago.  I was busy stressing over last minute details, dealing with the fact that our kitchen pipes backed up into our sink, making it impossible to prep what needed to be prepped, while my soon-to-be husband spent the night with his family drinking and having a jolly good time!  Yay me!  But it was all worth it in the end, and all the worry and stress over the reception subsided, and I enjoyed becoming Mrs. Matthew Trulove!  We danced and mingled and had a great time.  We even got another surprise from our neighbors, who became more like family, later that night. 

We even spent last night talking for hours like we used to when we were dating.  Everything was great until I brought up the subject of TTC again...See, we had taken a break from TTC after I was diagnosed, taking time to mentally process everything and think of our next steps.  A few months ago, we decided to wait until the New Year to discuss future plans, but I'M A GIRL!!  I'm emotional and hormonal, and when I get my mind on something, I need immediate gratification on the subject.

To make a long story short, we wound up getting into this argument because DH didn't want to have the conversation and I felt like he wasn't talking to me because there was something he wasn't telling me.  Eventually, we took some time apart, took a few deep breaths, and started over. 

Turns out, what he didn't want to say was that he was scared.  And I told him I was scared too.  Lots of compassionate conversation befell...but for a moment in time, I was more afraid of what wasn't being said.  I think we've had more arguments in the last year than we have in our entire relationship.  And I guess that's understandable, knowing the fact that this past year has brought a lot of changes our way.  Still, I don't want PCOS and IF to determine how our marriage plays out. I think that's what scares me the most.